4 Tips To Choosing The Right Web Hosting Company

4 Tips To Choosing The Right Web Hosting Company

Choosing a web hosting provider is a crucial phase in the launch of your digital project. With tons of different aspects to take into account, ranging from uptime to support security, it is indeed difficult to sift through thousands of providers. After all, they seem to offer a similar level of hosting service.

As a matter of fact, though, there is a method to this madness. And a good number of industry experts can help you go through this burden. Without further ado, here are some expert tips on how to choose the right web hosting company. Make sure to keep them all in mind!

#1. Evaluate and Understand What Your Hosting Needs Are

First thing first, you must know what your requirements are as an online company. This is where you need to prepare a rough estimation as to what resources should be required in order to keep your website up and running. A good practice is to start with an estimate pertaining to daily visitors. From there, you can move forward to features and security software you need to put in place.

Let’s take daily visitors as an example. If you do not have a general understanding of the number of visitors your site will get, it is very likely for you to end up pay far too much for a hosting plan. For instance, you decided to get a dedicated server when a shared server would have gotten the job done. So, as a result, you are paying a service that is not only unnecessary but too expensive.

#2. Always Read Reviews

Now that you have evaluated what your hosting needs are, it is time to check what other people are saying about a hosting company. The idea here is pretty straightforward, and all you need to do is read reviews written by former or current customers. Let’s say you are interested in SiteGround. Obviously, you do not just jump into paying its service and hope for the best. You need to ensure first that you will get your money’s worth. So, how are you going to do this? Well, just search for some SiteGround reviews 2019 online and check what people are talking about.

Reading reviews may be a bit tiring, especially since there is a myriad of them out there. But if you really care about your website’s success – and you do want to spend some unnecessary costs – you need to pressure yourself into reading reviews. Not only will you know if a company is good, but you will also have a general idea about its price, renewal rates, security features, customer support, etc.

#3. Scrutinize Security Measures

Web Hosting Company

In case you did not know, cybersecurity is become more rampant these days than in the past. It has quickly become a major concern for all companies – be it small or big – across the world. When it comes to hiring a web hosting provider, you need to make sure its security track record is top-notch. In addition, you need to ensure that its security protocols are strategically in place in order to go up against cyber attacks in all of their forms.

Believe it or not, a lot of companies are suffering from DDoS (Distributed Denial-Of-Service), affecting their website’s ability to cater to visitors. And this is not the culprit behind many of today’s website downtimes. This is where you need to ask your chosen provider if it has offered protection to this type of cyber attacks. If the security measures you want to be in place cannot be catered by your hosting company, then you are better off finding a different one.

#4. Remember to Inspect The Infrastructure

Both the strength and state of a web hosting provider’s infrastructure are essential. Nowadays, it is so easy to set up a server and start providing hosting services to people. The only catch is that it is so difficult to do it well. Yes, that is right – there are a couple of hosting companies out there, all of which differ in the features and whatnot they offer. And while they are capable of doing so, not every single one of them is good at provider great service.

The difference between the best and the others is the very infrastructure that the company relies upon. There are a handful of questions that you need to pose to potential providers concerning their respective infrastructure. They are listed below:

  • What are the total bandwidth and uplink carriers does the web host has at each of its hosting locations?
  • What is the provider’s network topology? (Here, your goal is to look for redundancy in order to ensure uptime)
  • How many peers does the web host offer? Note: The more peers there are, the less IP transit cost.
  • Does the web host offer dedicated hosting plan? This one is a must if your traffic is increasing at a great pace.