BBC Studios and BBC News announced Thursday the global launch of their brand-new and BBC app. These two aim to revolutionize how people access and engage with the BBC’s renowned journalism and storytelling globally.
The updated platforms is learned to be featuring a fresh design and improved navigation as well to make it easier for users to read, watch as well as discover their content. The primary focus is on delivering trusted and impartial journalism. The platforms offer a wide range of news stories, videos and live coverage on various topics including Business, Innovation, Culture, Travel, Earth and Sports.
One significant change implemented in the brand-new platforms is the integration of content from across the BBC network into a single app. This definitely provides users with a seamless experience. The app can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store for iOS and Android devices respectively.
Tara Maitra, Chief Commercial Officer at BBC Global Media & Streaming, said the two platforms are to provide premium experience to their audience and these are aligning with the high standards of BBC journalism as well as storytelling.
Naja Nielsen, Digital Director for BBC News, said BBC is committed to impartial journalism and updated platforms are to showcase BBC’s exceptional journalism.
The launch of the new and BBC app definitely marks a significant step forward in the broadcaster’s efforts to make its content reach to more people worldwide.