Crosswords Puzzle

Crosswords Puzzle May Not Help In Reducing Developing Dementia: Study

Beware, Crosswords and Sudoku are not the perfect mind game in terms of reducing the risk of developing dementia. In one of the latest studies the researchers claim online brain-training games too hardly benefit the brain health and memory.

Age UK and the Global Council on Brain Health adds individual should concentrate more on socializing and learning new skills instead of depending completely on such stuff like Sudoku and Crosswords for brain development.

In recent years it is wisely believed the effective way to save off dementia is to get engaged in solving Crosswords or Sudoku.

The report further mentions playing brain game helps in improving the person in the game and not in the daily cognitive abilities.

The published feedback of the study writes, “There is insufficient evidence that improvements in game performance will improve people’s overall functioning in everyday life.”

The GCBH in fact suggests to opt for practicing tai-chi or taking photography classes.

The team of researchers also recommends other people who are mentally active to take on activities that give them a purpose in life like providing companionship or volunteering.

However, there are other studies too that speaks differently. In 2015 another work of research in the United States found two-third of people above the age of 50 believe online games are important to keep their brain health good.

Even researchers at the University of Exeter and King’s College London claims after a study that crossword puzzles in daily practice has helped the brain to function at the phase of ten years younger.