Fitness experts, weight loss dynamos, and exercise enthusiasts stress the importance of weaving exercise into one’s everyday routine. Showering is not usually found on anyone’s calendar, but it gets done because it’s fundamental to hygiene. By the same token, for exercise to be sustainable, it needs to be an integral part of the day. Workout wear is a great exercise motivator!
Benefits of Exercise
Online weight charts provide weight range guidelines for the average population. Although it is self-destructive to beat yourself up when the scale shows one pound up, maintaining a healthy weight range is critical to well-being, and a trend upwards should be taken as a call for action. This week, WebMD posted findings, reported by the New England Journal of Medicine, which indicated that every pound gained above an individual’s healthy weight increases health risk factors.
General health and weight loss are not the only reasons to exercise. To reduce the risk of falls, senior adults may benefit from the balance and coordination attained through types of exercises which improve the stability of their gait. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults ages 65 years and older fall each year. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths.”
Dress for Exercise Success
Adopt workout wear as the go-to outfit upon arriving home for the day. What better way to prepare, mentally and physically, for a walk, exercise videos, or simply running up and down the stairs at home, then to be clothed in the proper attire? An individual’s readiness for motion may include yoga pants, running shoes, men’s muscle shirts or women’s racer back tanks. Wear any exercise gear that is comfortable and inspires movement.
An extra bonus is that many of these clothing items are sensual, raising awareness of muscle tone – or not. Mindfulness of body shape and overall wellness is a strong weight maintenance driver. This cognizance can motivate people to reverse the results of inactivity or further sculpt areas already toned.
Some elements of workout apparel are comfortable enough for sleepwear. This is the optimal scenario because it promotes activity at home before bed, such as walking in place, stationary bike cycling, and floor stretches. Clothed in exercise-ready garments upon awakening stimulates activity as soon as toes touch the floor. Don’t be surprised to find yourself doing knee lifts while you brush your teeth!
Active Wear for an Active Lifestyle
When a bride dons a wedding gown, she feels beautiful. When a professional presents a polished appearance in a suit, it fosters an air of confidence. When someone who appreciates the empowerment of good health is outfitted in workout wear, movement becomes the order of the day, as natural as a morning shower.