Halloween tricks, treat and games tips for kids

Halloween tricks, treat and games tips for kids

Halloween has become one of the most popular celebrations for kids worldwide. The opportunity to get outside after dark, as the cold weather approaches and, ideally without adult supervision, is especially appealing to kids, so trick or treating is one of their favorite adventures.

A great idea for parents at Halloween is to get together to host a Trick or Treat Party for kids in the neighborhood. It will not only save on childminding, as only one parent needs to go out with a group of younger kids but the children will enjoy the experience more if part of a larger peer group.

Hosting a Kids Halloween Trick or Treat Party

An impromptu Kids Halloween Party is really easy to organize and host. Local parents will be grateful for the opportunity to help out with such an enjoyable occasion too.

Firstly, decide how many kids will be invited and what, if any, costume theme to target for the group

Meeting up at the party home, before dark, kids can compare scary costumes and make any last minute adjustments to their outfits before their trick or treat escapade.

Suggested Halloween Party Foods for Kids

There are many traditional Halloween party foods that are simple and easy to make, but also fairly inexpensive. Foods such as pizzas, hot dogs, toffee apples, kids drinks, sandwiches, cakes and cookies can all be given blood and gore makeovers for Halloween with plenty of fake blood for example.

Traditional popcorns and pumpkin desserts are a great addition to any Halloween party. A quick get together of the parents involved will soon create a pool of ideas and offers to assist in food preparation, and donation. So this is a really easy party to organize which should also be relatively inexpensive.

Further suggestions for party food

  • Blood colored fondues with disgustingly realistic pepper and toasted wholemeal finger dips. This will be a great hit.
  • Avocado skulls, stuffed with spooky green avocado and blood red peppers
  • Cheese straws – finger shaped and covered in fake blood
  • Witch biscuits and cookies
  • Blood and gore colored drinks
  • Cinnamon Apple Pancakes

Activities for Kids Trick or Treat Parties

As the main activity will be at least an hour trick or treating, followed by inspections of goody bags and eating the best goodies, this party does not require a great deal of additional activity organization.

Traditional games such as Bobbing for Apples and Pin the Hat/Nose on the Witch are great fun for small kids, spooky Hide and Seek by torch in gardens is also hilarious for children and an opportunity for creative adults to prepare some scary surprises! Why not also consider a Ghost Walk, with some spooky surprises along the way? Bear in mind that smaller children can be sensitive though, what older kids and adults find amusing may really scare young kids, realistic horror masks for example could cause floods of tears.