How to find best water filters

How to find best water filters

Most people are concerned about the purity of the water they are drinking. Contaminated water is a major source of health problems.

What Contaminants are Found in Tap Water

The most common contaminant is chlorine. This chemical is added to cleanse water of microbes but the chlorine itself poses a health risk. Chlorine is said to cause bladder cancer and cancer of the rectum.

Heavy metals can also be found in water, usually from old lead pipes. Metals such as lead and asbestos are present in water in many places all over the world. Pesticides, insecticides, bacteria and other chemicals have also been found in water, affecting overall health. It is imperative that people think about removing these contaminants from their water supply.

Bottled water is not a good option for the environment, in addition to being more expensive than tap water, the bottles are manufactured from plastics which damage the environment and contribute to landfill problems.

Drinking Water Filters – Which is Best

As a first step, the individual concerned about should try to find out what pollutants are found in the water in his or her area by getting the water tested and then make a decision as to what is best based on the findings.

Carbon Water Filters

Carbon filters are a relatively inexpensive and common way of removing many contaminants in tap water and also for improving the taste of tap water. Carbon filtration can be used in pitchers, on faucets, counter tops or under the sink.

The carbon attracts and absorbs impurities such as lead, disinfection byproducts, heavy metals, pesticides, parasites, radon, and volatile organic compounds. But all carbon filters do not eliminate all of the contaminants listed above. Brita and Pur are two major carbon filter manufacturers.

Pitcher Water Filters

Pitcher water filters work by pouring water into the top compartment of a jug where a cartridge containing granulated carbon removes impurities. The water drips through slowly, leaving approximately 2 litres of purified water in the bottom compartment.

New cartridges must be purchased regularly, it is easy to forget when a new cartridge is due. It takes time for the water to drip through which can be an inconvenience.

However, these types of carbon water filters are portable and can be put in the refrigerator, they are easy to clean and the pitcher itself will last for a long time if it is looked after and not dropped. It is possible to recycle the cartridges.

Tap Water Filters

Faucet water filters are attached directly to the tap and work by using multiple stages of filtering using carbon filtering, sub-micron filtering and ion exchange. Manufacturers claim that such filters can remove 99% of the contaminants from the water and still preserve its mineral content.

To find the best tap water filters, an online search will reveal the best brands on the market and different price ranges. It is important to research product reviews and compare features and prices, quality control etc. Read unbiased and reputed reviews and visit forums to get feedback on products before making a decision.

Under Counter Filtration Systems

These work in a similar way to a tap water filter except they are installed under a counter top, under the kitchen sink.

Some reviews indicate that the fittings are flimsy and the unit can leak, ruining kitchen cabinets. Another disadvantage is that it is not possible to switch between filtered and unfiltered water. The advantage is that once installed, the unit is out of sight and out of the way.