Jim Bob Duggar gives his thanks to all their Haters

A month ago, a request to have 19 Kids and Counting scratched off by TLC made the rounds on the web, in the long run accumulating more than 180,000 marks.

The Duggars reacted with a counter-appeal to spare the show, yet without a doubt, their endeavors were unnecessary, as 19 Kids remains TLC’s most prominent arrangement.

Thus, it was presumably never in any risk of being wiped out.

So maybe Duggar patriarch Jim Bob can’t be rebuked for doing a triumph lap, however numerous have whined that his internet gloating is in poor taste in any case.

Commentators say his disobedient response recommends an insensitive lack of care around the gatherings that he at first annoyed, simply strengthening his not at all subtle scorn for them.

In a meeting with Christian site The Pathway, Jim Bob tended to the endeavors to have his show expelled from the wireless transmissions not long after the appeal started to flow:

“All it has done is provide for us more introduction,” Jim Bob said. “We picked up 50,000 Facebook fans a week ago. God is extending our outskirts through the national media.”

Obviously, the entire dust-up gave a passed-up circumstance for Jim Bob to clear up his family’s stance on LGBT rights and safeguard himself against charges of dogmatism.

In that sense, its a bit astounding that Jim Bob picked rather to do a verbal touchdown move, regardless of the fact that he unmistakably doesn’t feel he was in the wrong in any case.

Jim Bob and Michelle started discussion when they erased pics of same sex couples kissing on their Facebook page, in the wake of welcoming wedded fans to post such photographs.

At any rate, if any reputation is great attention, and social networking prevalence is the objective, Jim Bob and organization surely have motivation to praise nowadays.

After nine seasons, the demonstrate that made them acclaimed is getting higher appraisals than any other time, and the Duggar family is ready to achieve a significantly bigger gathering of people in 2015.

As dependably, you can watch 19 Kids and Counting online to see what all the complain is about.

The Duggar folks frequently go hand in hand with their kids on dates to keep up their “responsibility” and “keep things from going in the wrong course,” every Jim Bob. The young ladies are fine with this, as being separated from everyone else with men places them in grave “good threat.” When the folks aren’t accessible, their more established kin will frequently follow along, making each date a gathering date and a family undertaking.