Joe Jonas Has Advice For Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

GTY joe jonas jef 140210 16x9 608 The Advice Joe Jonas Had for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Joe Jonas, 24, is no stranger to growing up in the spotlight. As a former member of The Jonas Brothers, he knows exactly what it’s like to rise to fame at a young age.

With this in mind, Jonas had some sage advice for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

Bieber has been in trouble with the law as of late, including an alleged DUI, And Gomez just announced she finished rehab after checking in “voluntarily.”

“Something that I heard from someone I looked up to was, ‘Watch the people around you and learn from their mistakes so you don’t make the same,’” Jonas told E! News over the weekend in New York City.

GTY jusin bieber Selena gomez 2011 thg 130729 16x9 608 The Advice Joe Jonas Had for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

The singer continued, “I just held on to that and any time I saw a celebrity I really looked up to screw up, I just was like ‘All right, I am not going to do that or try my best ability to avoid that,’ so it’s just a learning tool.”

Jonas added that he’s a Gomez fan and wishes her only the best.

“Her career’s been great and she is going to succeed and I want her to succeed and I want her to be happy,” he said.

Jonas and his brothers Kevin and Nick just called it quits as a band in October after being together since 2005. ”It was a unanimous decision,” Joe Jonas said at the time.

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