Justin Bieber booed by Beliebers

Justin Bieber received an unwelcome reception when he turned up to a gig at the London O2 Arena over 2 HOURS LATE!

Bieber gave no apology or reason for his lateness and neither did O2 – sparking Tweeter outrage! O2 did Tweet: “Justin Bieber is now on stage and apologises for the lateness of his show” but many fans want to hear it from the horse’s mouth and are eagerly checking Twitter for his apology that is yet to come.

Some parents had already taken young children home as his 10:34pm arrival was past their bedtime and others had already fallen asleep in their chairs when he eventually showed up.

Those Fans who managed to stay awake during the wait for Bieber to arrive tweeted: “@justinbieber booed 4 times now, where are u, belibers r waiting x” and the reward for their patience was a shorter set and missed trains home.

Many younger fans were absent from school the following day due to tiredness and parents state that their children are ‘heartbroken at not having seen their idol’.

Bieber’s lateness caused outrage among parents who went on to call him a ’jerk’ and ‘disrespectful’.

Hundred’s of parents are now bombarding the O2 with demands for their money back and parents and fans alike are worried that Bieber will do the same in his next show.

In other news some people are claiming that it’s no coincidence that J-Biebs was out partying all weekend in London for his 19th Birthday!

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