Netflix Sparks Outrage with $900k AI Job Offer Amidst Hollywood Strikes

Netflix Sparks Outrage with $900k AI Job Offer Amidst Hollywood Strikes

In the midst of ongoing Hollywood strikes, Netflix has found itself embroiled in controversy after posting a job advertisement seeking an artificial intelligence (AI) expert. The job offer is for a position on its Machine Learning Platform team, responsible for powering Netflix’s algorithm, which assists viewers in discovering new programs to watch. However, the hefty salary of up to $900,000 (£700,000) per year has fueled further outrage among striking Hollywood actors and writers.

The Hollywood unions have been vocal about their concerns regarding the impact of AI on the entertainment industry and its potential effects on pay. Although the specific role’s description remains broad, there are apprehensions that it could exert influence over crucial investment decisions, including Netflix’s financial backing for TV programs and films. Sag-Aftra, representing actors, has specifically expressed worries about the excessive power of algorithms, with Fran Drescher highlighting how algorithms now dictate various aspects of content creation, potentially leading to reduced job opportunities and financial stability for actors and industry professionals.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) has put forward a proposal for a regulatory system to oversee the utilization of AI in the writing process and safeguard against its misuse as source material. Their objective is to preserve the creative integrity of the writing profession while acknowledging the ever-evolving role of AI in the industry. On another note, Netflix has chosen to remain discreet about the exact particulars of the job listings, refraining from offering any comments on the subject. Nevertheless, the streaming behemoth has previously emphasized that AI will not supplant the creative process, asserting that the most compelling narratives stem from the distinct experiences and creativity of individuals.