Rita Ora Imitates Mylie Cyrus on Topless Pic

Well we don’t know what’s up with celebrities these days copying each others poses although it’s really not something new when celebrities each other to do some artistic thing. We have heard of artists copy their idols like Britney is inspired by Madonna. They get inspired from other artists’ music and music video but now the it’s the rise of social media, apparently copying other artist’s naked pose is a fad.  We’re not exactly sure why but fans are intrigued and that’s probably why they do it.

It was just last week that Mylie Cyrus posted on her instagram posing topless but not facing the camera with two hands up and doing peace signs. Rita today posted topless also not facing the camera with her hands almost up in the air not to mention there’s a dude that probably saw her because that too was captured on the picture. This is some brave moves from the stars today and obviously they are not afraid of what the public would say about them poising naked. This is just one of the latest pics of celebrities that is going viral over the Internet now and of course we want you updated.

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