Some important songwriting collaboration rules to consider

Some important songwriting collaboration rules to consider

Finding a collaborator to write music with is something that needs to be well thought over and done after meeting a number of artists to find someone similar to you and your needs. Songwriters who need to collaborate to find a lyricist or a musician can be successful with the right partner. There are a few things that need to be put on the table right away, so there are no problems later on.

The best places to look for a partner would be music shop notice boards, practice studios, college course study halls any place musician might see them. Websites that cater to songwriters is a really good place to start. If you can get to know the lyricist or music writer first would be better. Another good organization is the NSAI which is the Nashville Songwriters Association International. These are serious places to find a serious songwriting partner.

If you been in a band you already know how hard it is to get along with other musicians to complete one product between all band members which would be the song. There is always something that comes up during or afterwards that can make or break the band and its members. Lets face it, artists are not the easiest people to get along with when it comes to their art.

It’s not good enough that the person is just a friend or the person has connections or the person writes well. You need to connect, want the same things in the way of music, trust each other have the same type of work discipline. You need to like the same type of music or at least agree on what sounds good and what sounds bad. The two artists should work off each others’ talents making each other better by working with each other. Both songwriters have to agree on the simplest of things during the creation of a song. What is important to one might not be of great importance to the other. But in order to achieve the goal of writing a song together both need to respect each others’ opinion.