summer vacation

Summer Vacation To Change For Britons In Wake Of Brexit

There could be dark clouds even when the skies are brightening this summer in the wake of Brexit. Your summer holiday will be affected while the UK’s withdrawal progress from EU is on the way.

British Prime Minister Theresa May initiated Article 50 in March and since then rules surrounding European holidays have been something different.

Amid this, the pound has also devalued and it is learned there will be issues related to borderless travel, cheap flights and British passports. Let’s discuss in details:

Cheap flights

Discounted flights boom started in 1995 and the budget ticket market was dominated by several airlines including Ryanair and Easyjet. It was all due to the European Union’s removal of bi-lateral restrictions on air service agreements. Now after more than two decades Britain is all set to leave the bloc and new service agreements will be made. If not, such flights like Easyjet will not be able to freely operate across EU.

Borderless travel

Lately it is said people may need visa to travel other EU countries while the Brexit process is on the way. This may lead to standing in queue for Britons at airports with other non-EU citizens. This will lead to longer waiting period sometimes.


Even though the EU is emblazoned on the cover of passport, but the statement would be wane from the day UK leaves the bloc.

Duty free

Once UK leaves the duty-free or tax-free purchases will change.

Delayed flights compensation

Claiming compensation will become difficult if the flights are delayed.