Star Wars saga The real-world locations behind the Star Wars saga

The real-world locations behind the Star Wars saga

Even if you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie, you’ll still be aware of the monumental impact it has had on popular culture. But for those of us who have seen all of the films more times than we can count, however, 19 December 2019 is a special date – the day the final episode in the saga opens in cinemas across the country.

To celebrate the release of The Rise of Skywalker, travel retailer Holiday Hypermarket has created a Star Wars location guide to the stunning real-world spots where much of the franchise was filmed. Whilst it’s true that many of the more complex ‘effects’ scenes were filmed on vast sound stages in the UK and Australia, it’s the real-world locations that have always stood out – so much so, in fact, that many of them have become incredibly popular tourist destinations.

You’ll be amazed at the sheer variety of locations used to bring the epic series to life. From the gorgeous Laamu Atoll in the Maldives that frames the devastating final battle in Rogue One to the Spanish city of Seville that represented the decadent city of Theed in the prequel trilogy; the environments are as diverse and gorgeous as the films themselves.

With the final film in the main franchise about to be released to its adoring public, the Star Wars legacy is unlikely to dim in the coming years. For die-hard fans and curious moviegoers alike, these incredible locations will continue to offer a taste of that indefinable Star Wars magic for many years to come.

So, whether you fancy taking a river cruise in Chewbacca’s home planet of Kashyyyk (Phang Nga Bay in Thailand) or the forest moon of Endor (Redwood National Park in California) there’s a galaxy far far away ready and waiting for you.

Star Wars saga