Theresa May

Theresa May could define a date for stepping down

British Prime Minister Theresa May is on the verge of resigning and she could be setting a date for it this week, said 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers.

May would be stepping down after her Brexit deal passes in the House of Commons, but it is learned some of the MPs are demanding for a certain date when she would resign.

Sir Graham Brady said, “It would be strange for that not to result in a clear understanding [of when she will leave] at the end of the meeting.”

Talking to BBC Radio 4’s The Week in Westminster Sir Brady he understood the reticence about doing it and it is not about an intention for staying indefinitely either as leader of the Conservative Party of prime minister of United Kingdom.

Brady added that he thinks May would not secure Parliamentary approval for withdrawal agreement.

Earlier this year in March she said would be standing down as PM after Withdrawal Agreement is ratified in Parliament.

A source said she would not step down unless the deal is passed or else it will become impossible.

Last December May survived vote of no confidence and technically she is safe from being ousted for more one year.