This Is Spinal Tap - A Mockumentary of Rockers

This Is Spinal Tap – A Mockumentary of Rockers

With stars of the caliber of Billy Crystal, Dana Carvey, Fran Drescher and Ed Begley, Jr., Rob Reiner has taken on an entire genre with hilarious results. Not only are musicians of the Rock & Roll category getting in the bull’s eye of Reiner’s humor, but so are the 1960s and the 1970s. This satirical romp takes some of the most outrageous facts of rock history in the late twentieth century and cranks it a few times tighter. With lyrics so over-the-top and lacking all subtlety, it is hard not to laugh at the antics that ensue.

Outrageous Rock & Roll Antics are Perfectly Captured by Reiner, Shearer, McKean and Guest

Whether it is the girlfriend who gets in the middle of the band’s functioning or the difficulty keeping a drummer alive and playing with the band, Reiner’s film seems to capture every aspect of the most outrageous aspects of musician behavior in rock groups. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer play the parts of the three core band members; all do a good job of keeping it entertaining. (Rob Reiner, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer are also responsible for the writing and the music, too.) Tony Hendra plays the group’s overwrought manager who tries to dissipate all concerns as he ineptly books the group into some of the most unpalatable and inappropriate venues.

Spinal Taps’ Heavy Metal Scene is UK Rock at its Outer Limits

When the group’s album cover is deemed inappropriate, the result is a Black Album (think Beatle’s White Album). Somehow, this group is always a day late and a dollar short as they try in vain to discover a way to keep in the limelight. When they try to utilize new technology, pyrotechnics, and theatrical presentation, things predictably go awry. Watching the group try to perform in the midst of the chaos is humorous, even though it is taken on in the spirit of a farce. With this much talent in the infrastructure and presentation of the film, it is not surprising to see how this became a cult classic. It has so many good lines in it that there is a website just for devotees. And best of all, this one would be fun to see again and again, which is what keeps its fans coming back time after time. Just for fun, this one will give your spirits a lift and your mood some elevation.