donald trump calls vladimir putin

Donald Trump Makes First Official Phone Call To Vladimir Putin

United States President Donald Trump is learned to have made several phone calls on Saturday to many world leaders and one among them was Vladimir Putin.

According to the White House, the call is to be looked as a significant start in improving relationships between countries.

The Kremlin said both the leaders agreed to be fighting international terrorism and the top priority would be against the ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria.

This was the first official call with Putin since Trump took Office.

The topics highlighted by Kremlin to have discussed over the phone includes:

Fight against terrorism
Middle East, Arab-Israeli conflicts
Non-proliferation, strategic stability, Iran’s nuclear programme
North Korea, South Korea long standing issues
Ukraine’s situation

The Kremlin said, “The two leaders emphasised that joining efforts in fighting the main threat – international terrorism – is a top priority.”

The two leaders talked about establishing real coordination of actions between the two countries focusing on defeating the ISIS and other terror groups in Syria.

Both stressed on the importance of rebuilding mutually beneficial trade and this would aid in the development of relations in other areas.

Russia meanwhile considers anti-Assad rebels in Syria as terrorist fighters where as the Obama administration supported some moderate rebel groups who opposed the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Releasing a brief statement without much clarity the White House said, “Both President Trump and President Putin are hopeful that after today’s call the two sides can move quickly to tackle terrorism and other important issues of mutual concern.”