The Brexit negotiation has just begun. The talks are scheduled for one week every month and if things goes well the final withdrawal of United Kingdom from European Union may take place in March 2019.
Amid the seven hours of discussions the negotiators of both the sides took a short break to pose for photographs while gifting each other.
EU negotiator Michel Barnier gifted a walking stick to Britain’s negotiator David Davis. It is learned he brought the stick from his home region in the Alps.
Barnier is a former foreign minister of France.
Davis on his part gift Barnier a book about hiking.
Both the officials will be discussing several issues including rights of UK and EU citizens in each others region how much Britain will owe.
The talks will also have a look on the effects of the split on Northern Ireland and Ireland.
Barnier said the clock is ticking and it is important for the officials of both the sides to start off on the right foot.
About a year has passed since the British citizens voted in favor of Brexit, to leave UK from EU.
British Prime Minister Theresa May too formally launched the Brexit process some three months ago.
However, the PM has pushed for hard Brexit and the result may blow off the existing agreements over trade and free movement of EU citizens in UK.
Director of the Brussels-based think tank Bruegel, Guntram Wolff, said the options have become much bigger than what it was thought earlier.